Leadership Journey
Exclusive Event for Teach First Deutschland Alumni | 26th August – 30th August 2017 | Registration until 2nd July 2017
Who do YOU dare to be and which IMPACT do you want to stand for?
For 6 years Teach First Deutschland Alumni have been at the forefront of advancing equal opportunities through their work in education, politics, the non-profit and the corporate world. We are inspired by your visions, your action and your impact. And we want to support you in being the change you want to see in the world.
This is why Teach First Deutschland supports YOU and YOUR mission. No matter the industry, the organisation or the country you are in.
The Leadership Journey is a 5-day residential retreat supporting those who are already making a difference in bringing their individual impact to the next level. Afterwards you will have a chance to participate in a 6-months post-coaching process allowing you to implement the vision you have put forth for yourself on the event.

The Arc is much more than a leadership training, it has changed every single day after, and not just my professional life. You have to be brave to really jump into the experience. Once you do it’s wonderful.

The Arc was the most powerful personal development training I have ever joined. Thinking about the Arc is like thinking about taking the red or the blue pill. Joining the Arc means, taking the red one. It will challenge and questing what you think about yourself, your life, your feelings and your vision.
The Leadership Journey is reserved to alumni of Teach First Deutschland. It is designed for young professionals who are…
- already committed to advance social, environmental or economic development, but who feel that they can (and want to!) push the envelope,
- willing to question the impact they have generated so far in their life,
- curious to understand their limits and the edge of their comfort zone,
- giving and excited about building meaningful connections with their peers,
- certain that they could have a much better and greater impact, if _ _ _ [fill in the blank],
- at some level sincerely wanting to inspire themselves and others.
In short: The Teach First Leadership Journey is designed for those Teach First Alums who relentlessly aspire to be an agent for change. It is for those who embarked on a mission-driven path, and who in one way or another have proven to the world that – yes – they were serious about servant leadership, collective impact – you name it! Yet, maybe after years of hard work impact fatigue, exhaustion or a whiff of disillusionment about why you do the things you once set out for have sneaked themselves into your life. And you catch yourself thinking: Where did my inspiration go? How do I get back into the flow again?
If I was to generate the impact I truly want to stand for – what would I REALLY do?
What on earth are we gonna be doing?
Who do YOU dare to be and which IMPACT do you want to stand for?
After this event you will have a clearer understanding on:
- What your impact mission (Yes, MISSION!) really is you truly want to follow
- Which person you need to grow into if you want to have larger and deeper impact. Where you need to push the envelope.
- How on earth you can make the hard things become less hard and how to get back into the flow as regards your everyday life.
The single biggest difference between those who inspire and who don't is the degree to which these people commit to their VISION.
Truth be said: Everybody can choose to be inspired, everybody can choose to take their dream seriously enough to act on it. This is not about naively lapsing into childhood fantasies, but about seriously asking: What impact do I wanna stand for? If I was to be smart about how I can bring to the world the change I wish to see, what would I do in the coming next months?
Hence, we do not think that the ability to inspire yourself and others is linked to your genes.
Choosing a path of personal growth and commitment to real impact is no privilege limited to a few TED-speakers, award-winning entrepreneurs or nobel peace laureates.
We believe that it is a process that can be learned.
Be it in your career, your private life or your health - whatever: One reason why people fail to get the results they could be getting, is because they do not dare to put themselves in certain situations that others would. This is how your thinking limits you. Hence, at The Arc understanding your limits means: Understand your fears, understand your inner conflicts and how to master them better.
Understand your LIMITS
Understand your POTENTIAL
Our values, our empowering beliefs and our talents are what inspire us to dare things others conceive impossible. They lift us up when obstacles arise and when thinks look bleak. Knowing what you are good at, where you are going and why you do what you do is one of the biggest resources humans can possibly step into: Alignment. The Arc gives you insights into: Your ultimate drivers that will repeatedly bring you into flow, that will bring you power and resilience when you need it the most.
At The Arc we invite you to think what could happen to your life and to your impact, if only for a few days you bought into the idea that you have a little bit more choice over the outcome of your destiny than you think you have.
What would you do, if it couldn't fail? When do you forget time? What change do you have to bring to the world in order for this to be an inspiration to yourself and others?
Get your SH** done
The Arc is followed up by a 6-months post-event coaching process where you – if you like – can put into practice whichever inspiring goal or idea you have committed yourself to.
Needless to say that the process is entirely voluntary. Its content, duration and intensity are entirely directed by: YOU!
The Venue
Situated between Großer Zschirnstein, Kaiserkrone, Zirkelstein and Wolfsberg, Schöna offers walking and recuperation activities in a beautiful environment.
Schöna is situated on the border between Saxon and Bohemian Switzerland, and impresses above all due to its Umgebinde-style houses dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries.
The area surrounding Schöna is a real “Eldorado” for hikers. From Kleingießhübel, you can climb Großer Zschirnstein without having to make any detours. The highest mountain in the German Elbe Sandstone Mountains features a breathtaking panoramic view of the Hohen Schneeberg, the Rosenkamm, Zirkelstein, Kaiserkrone and the Schrammsteine. When the weather plays ball, you can see as far as Albrechtsburg Castle in Meißen to the west.
Address: Hirschgrund 94, 01814 Schöna | How to get there
Curious? Thrilled? Excited?
Apply below using your Teach First email address and join us!
Ticket price = €349,00 (Thanks to the generous support of Teach First Deutschland) | Tickets include: Participation at the event (duuh!), 5 days and 4 nights at the accommodation, food and non-alcoholic drinks, training materials (not: post-event coaching). You will be expected to participate fully at the event between 13:00 on 26th August 2017 until 10:00 on 30th August 2017.
Application Deadline:
Sunday, 2nd July 2017 (24:00 CEST)
Click on “Read more” to apply!
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Philip Ihde
Philip Ihde, Trainer
Finance & Operations | Germany | Strategy & implementation, personal coaching, mentoring
Fabian Brüggemann
Fabian Brüggemann, Trainer
IT Consultant & Improv Entrepreneur | Germany | Open mind, Courage, Freedom
Annika Päutz
Annika Päutz, Coach, Trainer
Empowerment Trainer & Coach | Germany | Enthusiasm, Vision, Compassion