The Arc Bootcamp
6th-9th June 2019 | Applications open
The Arc is a Leadership Bootcamp
At The Arc we build community to coach purpose-driven startups/VCs to a level where their impact is inspiring to themselves and to others. Full stop.
We challenge you to go beyond what you think is possible. We challenge you to exceed expectations. We challenge you to face up to your limits. And once you do we support you to empower yourself and those around you.
» Leadership Bootcamp vs. Leadership Retreat – What’s the difference?
» Calendar of Events
Curious? Then you are just right with us.

The Arc is a unique combination of coaching and peer feedback which allow you to dig deeper within yourself and uncover the hidden gems that you can polish yourself once you confront your triggers and limitations. The Arc inspires you to realise that you have all the power to achieve the above and shine brightly with your unique star.

I went from “There is nothing wrong with me, why am I doing this?” to “Thank you for reminding me of something I lost along the way”.

This training was one of the greatest surprises I ever had. It is hard and deep personal work bringing you way out of your comfort zone to grow over yourself.

It’s the moment you get home and realize you have become a different person, and at the same time that exact person you have always been deep inside.

This is one of those well-kept secrets in the world that you think: “How did I not know about this?!” Everyone has to do this at some point in their lives!

As an entrepreneur you often subconsciously hide yourself behind big words and agendas. You forget that there is an actual heart hidden within the daily machinery of success and drive. The Arc reconnected me to my feelings and how important compassion and authenticity are when working. It has simply been the best week of my entire life.

The Arc has entirely convinced me through its outstanding and empathic coaching. Especially as a CEO it is important to challenge yourself and to reach new insights in a neutral environment – away from your own cosmos. Not only did I radically enquire my own beliefs, I was also led towards insight that I could never have imagined before.
Who is it for?
The Arc is a residential training event for young leaders from business and the civic sector who are…
- willing to question the impact they have generated so far in their life,
- sufficiently grown up to responsibly handle their emotions, but tempted to understand their limits better and committed to expand their comfort zone,
- giving and empathetic to their peers / their surrounding,
- certain that they could have a much better and greater impact, if only _ _ _ [and then you fill in the blank],
- at some level sincerely (!) wanting to inspire themselves and others.
Our alums include CEO/Founders of startups/social enterprises, young professionals working in strategy consulting/private equity/startups, boards of international NGOs, youth activists… you name it.
What the heck we’ll do
Who do YOU dare to be and which IMPACT do you wanna stand for?
After The Arc you will have a clearer understanding on:
- WTF your passion (YES, PASSION!) is that everyone says you are supposed to follow!
- Which person you need to grow into if you want to have larger and deeper impact. Where you need to push the envelope.
- How on earth you can get that done and what to do if self-doubt, laziness or impact-fatigue knock on your the door.
Click “read more” to learn more about the programme.
The single biggest difference between those who inspire and who don't is the degree to which these people commit to their VISION.
Truth be said: Everybody can choose to be inspired, everybody can choose to take their dream seriously enough to act on it. This is not about naively lapsing into childhood fantasies, but about seriously asking: What impact do I wanna stand for? If I was to be smart about how I can bring to the world the change I wish to see, what would I do in the coming next months?
Hence, we do not think that the ability to inspire yourself and others is linked to your genes.
Choosing a path of personal growth and commitment to real impact is no privilege limited to a few TED-speakers, award-winning entrepreneurs or nobel peace laureates.
We believe that it is a process that can be learned.
Be it in your career, your private life or your health - whatever: One reason why people fail to get the results they could be getting, is because they do not dare to put themselves in certain situations that others would. This is how your thinking limits you. Hence, at The Arc understanding your limits means: Understand your fears, understand your inner conflicts and how to master them better.
Understand your LIMITS
Understand your POTENTIAL
Our values, our empowering beliefs and our talents are what inspire us to dare things others conceive impossible. They lift us up when obstacles arise and when thinks look bleak. Knowing what you are good at, where you are going and why you do what you do is one of the biggest resources humans can possibly step into: Alignment. The Arc gives you insights into: Your ultimate drivers that will repeatedly bring you into flow, that will bring you power and resilience when you need it the most.
At The Arc we invite you to think what could happen to your life and to your impact, if only for a few days you bought into the idea that you have a little bit more choice over the outcome of your destiny than you think you have.
What would you do, if it couldn't fail? When do you forget time? What change do you have to bring to the world in order for this to be an inspiration to yourself and others?
Get your SH** done
The Arc is followed up by a 6-months post-event coaching process where you – if you like – can put into practice whichever inspiring goal or idea you have committed yourself to.
Needless to say that the process is entirely voluntary. Ist content, duration and intensity are entirely directed by: YOU!
The Venue
Our chosen venue for this unique Arc is a renovated windmill in the outskirts of Berlin – which we thought would make another ravishing setting for a very special event.
You will find: A pond (suitable for swimming) and a pool, a sauna. Home-grown food – vegetables and fruit, open-air BBQ, a Hollywood-swing, 2.5ha of a well-kept private park, a wintergarden with a wood stove and premium rooms.
Pls note that rooms will be shared. If that’s an issue to you, pls let us know asap. It is possible to book a limited number of upgrades for a single room (see “ticket prices” below).
Address: Birkenhainchener Str. 7, 15913 Märkische Heide (You might not find it on GoogleMaps. You can these coordinates instead: “51.999728, 14.060290”)
How to get there | By train: Take the train to Lübben, then taxi. | By train & bus: Check GoogleMaps | By bike: take the bike from Lübben via Radensdorf. From Radensdorf follow GoogleMaps.
Curious? Thrilled? Excited?
Apply below!
Registration opens: 14:00 on the first day
Programme starts: 16:00 on the first day
Ending time: 17:00 on the last day
- OPTION A – if you are a self-paying individual or sponsored by a charitable organisation: € 898,00 for the training + training materials + €31,00 for food per person per day + €59,00 lodging per person per night
In most EU countries you – as a private person – can deduct The Arc (all expenses) from your tax bill which on average lowers the price by 40-50% (depending on your individual tax rate). More info here.
- OPTION B: €2999,00 (+ VAT) if you are a sponsored by your employer. This rate includes food and lodging
- Top up for a single room: €99,00 (incl. VAT) if you prefer to stay in a single room rather than a double room
- Extra night: We welcome you to stay an extra night at a reduced rate: €31,00 food + €59,00 double room (incl. VAT)
What’s included
- Tickets to this event include: Participation at the event (duuh!), training materials, lodging & food (not: post-event coaching)
Disclaimer on future prices
- Please note that The Arc is starting up as a company, so the prices quotes for future events will need to change (i.e. go up) in the coming years.
- Time. Your brain and your heart
- Slippers
- 1 x really comfortable clothes which are suitable for indoor sport exercise and 1 x sport shoes
- A refillable water bottle (doesn’t do any harm)
- A (paper-)notebook and something to write with
Things to leave at home:
- Sleeping bags (yes, ppl ask this again and again!)
- Work! We often call The Arc a retreat, but be aware that there are likely to be some days that might feel exhausting. The Arc is energising as a whole but – at the same time – requires our energy, attention and presence. Whilst we understand it is not always possible to 100% shut off our work, it is highly recommended.
Can I come late or leave early?
People repeatedly ask if they can arrive late or leave early. Given though that in the past almost 100% of the people to who we gave exceptions advised us to not do that in the future as it had deprived them of parts of the experience. Hence: Please do take the above starting and ending times as given.
- In many countries you can lower the net price of The Arc by deducting it on your tax declaration.
- For German tax residents: Check our latest information here.
Taking an educational leave
- Those employed in Germany are often entitled to a paid educational leave. Please check our latest information here.
Join the community of a life time:
Your team of facilitators
Tissione Parmar
Tissione Parmar, Trainer
Facilitator, Peace Worker & Writer | UK | Wellbeing & Inner Peace
Astrid Schrader
Astrid Schrader, Coach, Trainer
Ex-Management Consultant, Entrepreneur | Germany, France, UK | Powerhouse & Idealist
Annika Päutz
Annika Päutz, Coach, Trainer
Empowerment Trainer & Coach | Germany | Enthusiasm, Vision, Compassion