Our purpose: Getting stuff done! The Arc Training coaches young visionaries to a level where their impact is inspirational to themselves and to others. (Yes, we do, and we are serious about it!)

Our approach: Tough love. We grow by challenge and support. The Arc fulfills its purpose by unlocking your personal vision of leadership and by unleashing your most powerful attitudes and strengths it takes to shift from a process-oriented to an impact-oriented leadership style.

Our target group: see above. Youth leaders, entrepreneurs, volunteers, self-developers who possess basic leadership experience, but who want to develop their project (or themselves) to a level where they can be both: profoundly more inspirational and of a much larger impact.e are serious about it!)

So let’s nail it:
Who do YOU dare to be and which IMPACT do you wanna stand for?
Our training methods:
The Arc Training is said to be an enormously challenging, but a highly rewarding course with 30% being training and 70% being individual and group coaching. Its methodology is based on personal development and coaching theory, peer-to-peer education, personal feedback and social impact measurement.
Not only will participants experience an intense coaching by themselves. They will also learn how to use this method to empower others. The Arc is followed up by a 6-months coaching process in which you can – if you want to – crack on with your mission.
Our different events:
The Arc offers a range of events. Here are our two most common ones:
Leadership Retreat
Whoever comes is the right person to come.
- Young professionals looking to deepen or change their impact, their leadership or their career,
- Aspiring entrepreneurs, starting freelancers/ scientists,
- University students, volunteers…
You believe that something could be holding you back, but are not exactly sure what is is. You are non-judgemental about who you are entering this process with. Whoever comes is the right person to come. And btw you think that having to ”apply” to such an event is ridiculous.
Leadership Bootcamp
A curated event for ambitious individuals seeking a strong peer group.
- Founders, (social) entrepreneurs and C-level execs of startups/ NGOs/ SMEs,
- Their top talent and the top talent of your company,
- Investment professionals, consultants, freelancers/ scientists excelling in their fields…
You are somewhat more driven than most people from my primary school class. You took risks and probably worked really hard. You want to have a deep conversation around your life, your leadership, your impact – and you need/want strong peers for that.
» Contact us if you are not sure which event is right for you

We challenge you to go beyond what you think is possible.
We challenge you to exceed expectations. We challenge you to face up to your limits. And once you do we support you to: