Beyond Conference
For Women Leaders | Berlin, 26th-27th October 2018 | Applications open
The Beyond Conference is for Women Leaders of all ages…
… who are willing to push the envelope and aspire to serve as an inspiration to others.
Meet us for a 1.5 day conference to cut the small talk and get real. Beyond Conference coaches outstanding women to be crystal clear on how they – through their leadership and their vision – can be profoundly more impactful.

This is one of those well-kept secrets in the world that you think: “How did I not know about this?!” Everyone has to do this at some point in their lives!

If you accept the idea that everything that happens at The Arc will happen for a reason and every person will be there for a reason, you CANNOT go to there and come back without having been touched deeply by what you experience.

A life changing experience that made me change my priorities and pushed me to act in order to follow my dreams. As simple as that.

I would say it some sort of very powerful and positive magic *blink* And the awesome thing is, unlike at the events I have been so far, this event has a big permanent impact on my life. One could also say that the magic just continues afterwards!

The Arc is the inspiration that fills up the gap between what you are and what you dare to be, to become, yourself at your full potential. The Arc gets you emotionally naked in a way you have never experienced yourself before, and puts the focus on your strengths and your vulnerabilities. After the Arc, I felt the most comfortable I have ever been in my own skin.
Who is it for?
The Beyond Conference is a 1.5 day event for women leaders who are…
- strongly dedicated to lead and generate meaningful impact – be that in business, the social or the public sector,
- eager to question themselves, challenge their own views,
- curious about new ways of exploring their comfort zone, their triggers and defences,
- intrigued to inspire themselves and others.
What to expect?
- 1.5 days of workshops & individual peer-to-peer coaching (see agenda below)
- Catered food
- A fabulous community of like-minded women
There are just too many great women out there
If women had ruled banks, the financial crisis wouldn’t have happened. Whether or not that is true – we don’t care.
But: The commitment, the intelligence and the inspiration by so many smart women we have met all around the world is just too big to not tap into their wisdom.
Despite being pretty equal on paper, women are still magically dropping out. Mindset, the way we perceive and interpret experiences, our self-talk and the beliefs about ourselves are a whole different beast. Hence, we ask: What could happen to your impact and to your life, if only for a few hours you bought into the idea that you have 10% more choice over your mindset than you think you have?
We’ll bring together missiondriven women that impact the world each in her own way. They will share their stories, their vulnerabilities, their struggles and their victories. We are not saying we’ve got it all figured out, but that knowing what you want and setting your mind to it can move mountains.
Two breath taking coaches will work with you on: Who do I dare to be and which impact do I wanna stand for? How inspiring am I on a scale from 1 to 10? How does my very own thinking limit me? What is my growing edge? My purpose? And what commitment will I make towards following it? Disclaimer: Whilst there might be some “TedX”-style inputs, this is an event which is mainly interactive i.e. we will work individually or in small groups. Just sayin’