Project Description

Fabian Brüggemann (Germany)

Founder of Improve Yourself-Training, AEGEE-Academy, former Accenture consultant

My life in a nutshell
After having worked for a global consulting company, leading international teams all over Europe and coordinating European wide software go-lives, I decided to move away from technical stuff but rather focus on people, because working together with my teammates was what I enjoyed most. After a one year course of becoming a certified systemic coach and playing improvisation theatre for more than 3 years now, I combined these two areas into a new concept of trainings and founded my own training company. These trainings are dealing with improving soft skills and changing the attitude of my participants by using methods of improvisation theatre. The focus is purely on resources and strengthening them – while creating a positive atmosphere of trust and confidence, where people enjoy failing in order to improve. And besides that, fun is a core part of my trainings, in order to unblock the resources the participants bring with them but are not aware of yet. I love to push participants out of their comfort zone while they don´t even realize at that very moment, because they are way too busy with laughing and having fun!

My past training experience
Trainings at numerous European training events in AEGEE (e.g. European School 1, Self-Development European School) and for companies (Siemens a.o.)

My core field of training
Coaching, impro theatre, impact measurement.