Are you ready for a journey – intense, challenging, supporting but most of all: rewarding?

84% of those Arc alumni who continued to work with The Arc – one year later – say that

  • “as a result of The Arc, I pulled off something which I believed to be completely and utterly impossible before” or
  • “as a result of The Arc, I inspired myself and others (holy moly!)”

That’s exciting. But it’s not a matter of luck. It’s something that can be learned.

So, do you want REAL support to make 2019 the best year yet?






The Arc Impact Incubator

… is based on dozens of call with you, our alumni and our coaching clients. It’s the synthesis of getting you to your next level.

Whilst ON THE GO…

  • reaching a whole level of self-discovery and awareness and
  • acquiring an intensely wonderful (Arc-style) community



Let me join




What's included?

#1 An online class filmed uniquely by The Arc tailored to your needs

Implementing your next level can be 200h of video content. Yet, we narrowed it down and strictly limited it to the best models from our years of coaching experience. You can complete the course at your own speed. No pressure.

#2 Weekly coaching calls with your peer group

Yes, online is cool, but doesn’t get us always through the finish line. Hence: we will have weekly (!) calls where you will be coached on what’s in your way and how to bend reality towards your favour.

#3 Access to our “Impact Incubator Facebook Group”

.. to share, celebrate successes, fuckups and make real friends (This is not a joke!).

#4 Email support

In case of questions you’ll get an answer from us within 48h.

#5 THREE individual coachings with The Arc

These are a kick off coaching, an intermediate coaching and an evaluation coaching. (If you use the discount code for the programme, only 2 calls are included here).

HOW TO JOIN? #discounts

As you all know, we try to make all programmes of The Arc super affordable (this is btw why we handed out SO many scholarships last year ;)). Hence, The Arc Impact Incubator will be for now only €389 per month.

AND the first seven people to sign up will get an incredible discount of €200 (apply discount code 191AII1st5 during checkout), meaning their first month is only €189.

This programme is designed in a way that it takes at least 3 months to complete. So that will (in the future) be the minimum membership duration. Yet, since this is our trial, you will have the opportunity to choose whether to continue after 1 month only 😉 So hey… the risk is MINIMAL 😉



Are you as excited as we are?

Let me participate




Or if you have more questions, click HERE to schedule a call with us.

We love you.

We really do.

See you soon!