Project Description
Sascha Klein (Coach, Social Intrapreneur, Germany)
Rock Your Company, Fraunhofer IAO a.o.
My life in a nutshell
My life could best be described as the link between relationship and solitude. It has always been the people that fascinated me. Doing youth work in my local community, serving customers as a bank manager, during my studies of management, where I focused on psychology, sociology and ethics, working within foreign cultures around the globe or helping to build up a social business that focuses on mentoring; all of these life experiences have allowed me to explore more and more on a rational and emotional level what it really means to be human.
During the last years running became an ever more important element in my life. Running marathons became a passion. Personal performance has a lot to do with individual balance and clear focus. Healthy routines, yoga and meditation help me regain energy. Lately I set the goal to run the Ironman in Hawaii – I’ve never sat on a racing bike before. But I am not one of those shit telling yelling guys, trying to motivate you. No. I am the vulnerable emphatic guy, knowing that we all have our challenges, knowing that we all fail, but focusing on what we can learn from the process – and identifying that there is more energy within every one of us than you can ever image.
My past training experience
As a volunteer Rock Your Life! Senior Trainer I live out my enthusiasm for education, training and personal change with societal impact. Beyond that, working as a Social Entrepreneur I support Rock Your Life! building up Rock Your Company! a social business which brings the well proofed concepts of coaching and mentoring to young people in businesses all over Germany.
My core field of training
I build up a strong connection with the people I work with. Feeling and understanding what’s going on inside of them, helping to guide the way, always giving time and space. Considering the power of vulnerability, being non-judgmental and opening new perspectives enabling deep sustainable change within each individual. With curiosity, compassion and an open heart, I follow my intuition and seek to shed light onto conscious or unconscious challenges in all of us.