Project Description
Kathrin Renner (Host, Belgium, Germany)
AEGEE, Generation Europe Foundation
My life in a nutshell
At 15, I left my safe nest for the first time to spend 7 months in Canada. Luckily, I landed softly – hosted by an incredibly warm and generous family and meeting peers from all over the world. Ever since then, I am fascinated by the new perspectives and possibilities other people and other cultures can bring to our lives.
Some years later, I discovered another environment where I could train my wings – international youth work – or, to be more specific, in AEGEE-Europe/European Student’s Forum. In my seven years of involvement, I had all kinds of roles and tasks – from being part of the local board, to project manager, facilitator, trainer, mentor – to two years in the international board in Brussels as the organization’s Vice President and External Relations Director. The experiences I had with trainings and non-formal education empowered me in an incredible way. While a passionate participant at first, I eventually discovered that I myself could create environments for young people to meet each other, to grow, and to discover new perspectives.
Today, I am looking for new opportunities to use and develop this superpower – creating safe spaces for people to let themselves be seen, to experiment, and to develop authenticity, compassion and love for themselves and others.
My passions
Singing, personal and organisational development, cooking, beauty and making things beautiful.