Project Description
Kata Morocz | Global Ambassador & Partnerships (Entrepreneur, Learning Designer, Hungary)
My life in a nutshell
I’ve always known what I wanted in life and worked really hard towards these goals: I got into law school, started to work for a multinational company at the age of 19, won university competitions and led an NGO for years. Then I went for an international leadership camp where everything took a 180-degree turn and I realised that I was taking all these steps and progress towards a goal that was no more appealing to me. I needed more meaning and more alignment with my personal values. Since then my journey is a bit more like a constant experimentation and iteration. I’m very enthusiastic about personal development and growth, aligning life with one’s values, emotional intelligence, cultivating deep human connections and building a creative, colourful life. In my work as a trainer and a coach I help others find more fulfilment and as an organisational development consultant I help companies create working environments where people can bring their whole self to work. I also support small companies with impactful goals as a business strategist. However, during winter you’ll only find me in faraway and warm places (most probably in South-America) recharging my batteries, taking big adventures, learning languages and feeding my curiosity.
My past experience
I worked as an internal communication and CSR specialist in Budapest and Prague, where I had the chance to experience a truly inspiring and healthy company culture. Even though I liked the job, in the last period my entrepreneurial ambition started to kick in, so one year before finishing university I founded my own training company which I managed for 2 years and delivered mainly communication trainings. In the meantime, I was active in international youth programs as well and delivered at different events from Romania to Lithuania, and from Portugal to Cyprus.
My core fields
Sales and marketing; building strong/collaborative teams; creative problem solving and changing perspectives; ideation/ iteration, experimentation; questioning the status quo