Project Description
Gene Cleckley (Trainer & Coach, UK)
INSEAD, HeartWork International, Ebay, QVC, Harrods a.o.
My life in a nutshell
I’m a Career Coach & Counsellor (and soon-to-be psychotherapist) who has worked with hundreds of clients from all over the world, leveraging a 25-year career in global management, leadership development, corporate and organisational culture.
With a passion for career coaching young professionals, specifically MBAs, EMBAs and graduate school students, I teach at INSEAD Business School in France, one of the world’s preeminent MBA business schools.
I am the Founding Director of HeartWork International, a company designed to help people pursue the kind of career that allows them to be who they want to be in life, and I am often called upon to share my coaching and personal branding expertise through keynote speaking events across the UK and Europe.
I’ve held senior-level and mid-level management positions in the creative industries of fashion, retail, media, and e-commerce, and my career has taken me all over the world. I believe the key to success is doing what you love most and creating the life you want to lead – to be bold, to be brave, to be you.
I use this passion to help my clients pursue their authentic career dreams by constructing and executing holistic, achievable career strategies.
With an academic and training background in organisational behaviour, psychotherapy and counselling, I am an INSEAD Business School EMCCC graduate with a research focus on career development.
I am working towards an MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling at Regent’s University in London and I also hold a Masters Degree from the Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy at The New School University in New York, and a BA in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia.
An avid world traveler, who’s visited more than 40 countries, I spend most of my free time practicing yoga or surfing in Bali.
My core field of training
Career Coaching, Corporate Leadership